Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Imma Trying-Hard-Nail-Artist (:

I am fond of creating arts. Nail art is one of my addiction but I am not that expert of designing my nails. I am a "trying-hard-nail-artist" HAHA. Anh, here's some of my practice moments, simple nail designs.

PreLoved Items For Sale ♥

I'm selling some of my brand new and used blouses, dresses, skirts and shorts to earn some money for the upcoming season - Christmas and New Year. I want to buy gifts for my baby, for Dad and of course for me. Here's the items I'm selling online at very low price (Php 50-300).

You may visit me at for more images,  prices, updates and infos.

BRAND: Apple and Eve
Brand New

BRAND: Apple and Eve
Brand New

BRAND: Apple and Eve Bolero
Brand New

BRAND: Shapes
Used Once

BRAND: Shapes
Brand New

BRAND: Fit and Flare
Used Twice

BRAND: Shapes
Used Once

BRAND: Kids of Bayo (Unlabel)
Used Once

Brand New